I believe we are all put on this earth for a reason and the reason may vary from person to person. However, the core of the reason will always be focused on giving to others or on serving something bigger than oneself.
In life I’m always intrigued on how things work, from how the earth moves to a simple question: “How does a turtle know to go into the sea once it hatch”, and “how and why people do the things they do?”
I pursue my interest to figure out how the industrial world works by studying engineering and completing my Masters in Engineering. However, there was a deep desire to figure out why do two people respond differently to the same situation, what makes some people successful in life and others not so successful in achieving. Or why do people have different definitions of success? How can I help them to achieve success they want in life?
Later on in life, I pursued to studying and implementing the knowledge and tools in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that helped me to understand the driving force and patterns of my own behaviour. This has inspired me to help people achieve success in their own life and with their own terms.
In the journey on helping people to achieve success, I found out that many are not happy when they achieved the success they once desired. Or in other words, they were not fulfilled when they achieved what they wanted. This once again sparked my desire to know more about the deepest human desire. Being led by my desire, I continue to learn about human needs psychology and have completed my coach training at Robbins-Madanes Training under my teachers Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha.
Studying Human Needs Psychology have helped me identify the deepest desire on why people do what they do and has helped me and the people I work with to have profound breakthrough in life.
Now I’m very passionate to serve and help people achieve success and fulfillment in all areas of life.
- NLP Practitioner (ABNLP)
- Timeline Therapy
- Robbins-Madanes Trained Coach

Founder, Happiness Coach
I remember my first non-fiction book I read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. That book changed a lot of things. The way I think, the way I did things and how it made me to act more proactively to achieve what I want in life.
From then on, I started reading more self-development books, attending seminars and workshops that can help me grow as a person. Along the way, I had some issues like deciding what degree to do and what career to take on. I didn’t just want to do any degree just because my parents, teachers or friends wanted me to. I wanted to do something that I would feel happy about. Eventually, I completed a BSc in Physics and pursued my MBA. But still, not too happy with it thereafter. I felt that I was made for something more. I knew I wanted to start up my own company but wasn’t exactly sure what to pursue.
Somehow, I always felt like it was a calling for me to inspire and help people. Again, help people with what, I had no idea. I spoke to a coach one day and he said perhaps I should be a Happiness Coach. That instantly resonated with me because at the end of the day, I want people to clear out those roadblocks that’s getting in the way of happiness.
I believe that life should be colourful and learning is endless. The many colours in life indicates the different experiences that we experience. It can’t just be black or white. As I continuously learn to improve myself and move on to the next level, I’ve come across many principles, theories and concepts.
As a Certified Happiness Coach, I believe I have found my purpose to help you be more of your true self and to live a more fulfilled and joyful life. I will help you to clear up the roadblocks that are in your way towards living the happy life you desire.